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Please enjoy your ultimate Experiences!
Why Go Premium?
Gain access to a wealth of advanced functionalities, personalized support, and accelerated growth opportunities by subscribing to our premium plan.

Free Launch For Basic Templates
Enjoy access to our comprehensive collection of free basic templates, covering a wide range of architectural setups

Support For Template Combo
Our premium subscribers can seamlessly integrate multiple templates to create complex and highly customized architectures

Extra Package Without Limitation
You gain access to additional package options that cater to advanced functionalities and specialized use cases
Pick Your Premium
Unlock unparalleled architecture flexibility, receive expert guidance, and create solutions that propel your business forward

Basic Description
4000 USD /month
You can see standard templates
You can launch standard templates
You can ask for standard support
Pay Per Use Chargement
OS, Infra Error is Automatic Monitored

Standard Description
8000 USD /month
You can see standard templates
You can launch standard templates
You can ask for standard support
Pay Per Use Chargement
OS, Infra Error is Automatic Monitored

Premium Description
Custom Price
You can see standard templates
You can launch standard templates
You can ask for standard support
Pay Per Use Chargement
OS, Infra Error is Automatic Monitored